If you’re looking for last-minute gifts for a middle schooler, you might want to check out Just One Thing! by Nancy Viau. And… you can get discussion questions for FREE!
From the back cover: Anthony Pantaloni needs to figure out one thing he does well–one thing that will replace the Antsy Pants nickname he got tagged with on the first day of fifth grade, and something he can “own” before moving up to middle school next year. It seems that every kid in Carpenter Elementary has some claim to fame: Marcus is Mr. Athletic, Alexis is Smart Aleck, Bethany has her horse obsession, and even Cory is known as the toughest kid in the school. Ant tries lots of things, but nothing sticks! IT doesn’t help that there are obstacles along the way–a baton-twirling teacher, an annoying cousin, and Dad’s new girlfriend, to name a few. Just One Thing! is chock full of hilarious adventures that will keep young readers cheering for Ant until the very end. For ages 8-12.
Take a look! Nancy and I had so much fun creating the discussion questions for you, too! We hope you enjoy them.