I am happy to offer the following services:
- Present a workshop or webinar regarding educational materials, including how to link topics to standards, create quality discussion questions, and more. Fees vary.
- Write/critique discussion questions or lesson plan. $50 for a critique, $100 if I develop discussion questions, $150 if I develop the lesson plan.
- Create a list of various activities that can be done with your book, such as reader’s theater, choral reading, or narrative pantomime. $75 for list, $100 per activity actually developed.
- Develop a cross-curricular curriculum guide that includes links to the common core standards. $350-$750, depending on scope of project.
- Develop an author study for multiple books. $350-$750 depending on number of books and scope of project.
- Consulting regarding positioning your work in the education market or to discuss developing educational resources. $100/hour.
*Additional fees = $200 reading fee for books 41-200 pages, $250 reading fee for books 201-350 pages.
Please contact me if you would like to learn more about Authors and Educators, or best practices in developing educational resources. I can also speak with you about your writing and how it might best fit in the education world. An initial, fifteen-minute phone call is complimentary to determine if I am a good fit for your project.
If there is something specific you would like to do that is not listed here, please let me know. I might be able to help you. Should we decide to partner together on developing educational resources for your book, it will be a collaborative effort to make sure the educational materials meet your vision, as the author.
Fees may be discounted when you want more than one service. Prices subject to change without notice and will only be honored if an agreement has been made in writing prior to beginning a project. Thank you for visiting!
Thank you for the opportunity to work together.
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